Toba Tronik
Payment point online bank system and multi-payment website

Toba Tronik is a payment point online bank website-based application that serving for online payment bills in Indonesia. Toba Tronik also selling their products such as multi-payment products, phone balances, and internet packages.

Briefing Information
Dahlan Simamora as a business owner ask me to develop the web platform that can be use to selling online products and multi payment system. I joined in June 2018 to initiated the project, developed and maintained a responsive web platform for desktop and mobile screen.
Designing web platform according to the business process and the purpose of the product. Translating and slicing the design into code and design user experiences to gain the fastest process of transaction.
Develop multi-payment billing system integrate with several payment gateway and payment method to provide various payment channel options to the users to make their transaction.
Experimenting with the product functionalities until aligns with the business needs and meets the criteria for the products.
Crafting a robust reporting system to monitor and analyze both product sales and product purchases, enhancing the capacity for insightful business insights.
Product Overview
Online transaction and selling multi-payment products is the main feature and the core business of Toba Tronik. In the main page of the website, visitor directing to make a decision to choose Toba Tronik’s product, seeing the promo page, creating an order in one single click, and checking the order status.
Product Features
Visitors can see the available products such as online payment bills, phone credits, internet packages, and multi-payment products. See the pricing list for public and reseller programs. Checking the status and the transaction history.
Upgrade users account and join the reseller program and get the benefit from reselling the products. Get the real-time pricing shift and live promo.
Default payment option is use customer’s balance and points. Users can increase their balance by resell the available products (if the account has been upgraded and join to reseller programs) or top-up via several bank transfer.
Real-time monitoring and seamless online transactions status for purchased products and pricing shifting and pricing schedule table.
All screen captured before my contribution ends in June 2019
All screen captured are copyrighted by their respective owners